Prepared by Wanaka VFF
This page has several documents that can be used to serve notice and to inform employers of their liability and responsibilities regarding covid-19 vaccination and mask wearing.
Here are the notices to serve

Optional - to attach to your notice if you like

Covid Vaccine - Pfizer Safety data sheet

How to serve a notice
About serving in general
You are performing a responsible and legal public duty by serving a notice of liability. Our ultimate aim is to get these notices recognised and investigated and backed by the police, judiciary, and common law if necessary. This is just the first step. Remain polite and do not intimidate or get into any arguments. Many of the people you serve may have no knowledge of their rights or indeed of your right to serve a notice. This is democracy in action and many of us are guilty of forgetting how to do it. Here are the 'nuts and bolts' of serving notices:
Print them off and fill them out. All forms are in Word doc format and all forms have sections you need to fill in ie. your name or name of workplace. Do read the form through.

It is important to do this right. There are four stages:

 - Say WHY you are here ("I am here to serve you a notice of liability. I mean you no harm. I am only acting out of care for my child.")
- Say WHY you are recording ("I am recording this solely for the purpose of providing evidence for a court of law")
-  Then HAND OVER the document (or post it)
- Then say "You have been served" 
It's  prudent to have someone with you to witness and video or photograph handing the documents to the recipient, or leaving the documents with person being served. The documents can also be left in the letter box at the door with 'URGENT NOTICE TO (persons name)'. Once again video your delivery of the letter with a 10 second explanation of what it is you're doing.

It is also good psychologically to have a support person with you. For many of us this is the first time we have done this, so doing it with others makes good sense. If you want more support to serve a notice, just put up a request on our telegram group so we can support each other. 

It is essential to keep a record of each serving for future action to be effective. This involves two actions: 

i)  Keep your own videos and notice copies in a safe place as evidence of each serving you make. 
ii)  We must make a record of each serving of notice and so we have organised this link:
This information will be stored confidentially as a record that you can call on if needed.
On this page you'll be asked to record:
- your own name and email address
- date of serving notice
- the name of the person served
- the institution they belong to
Keep your ears and eyes open for more information from us about what follow up activity is needed. Serving notice is just the beginning. If they ignore us they need to know we are not going away.
